Hi, I am Emma.

I am a Postnatal Personal Trainer, here to support and guide you in every stage of motherhood, with love, compassion and understanding.

My role is to help empower, educate and effectively rehabilitate you postpartum, with a huge emphasis on encouraging us to value our own health and wellbeing, as much as we do our children’s.

My work extends to mums with children of all ages; not necessarily in that immediate postnatal period. The earliest I can start working with you is six weeks postpartum, but I am here for you, whenever you have the space to focus on your postnatal rehabilitation, whatever the age of your child.

My aim is to take away the ‘I don’t know where to begin’ in your postnatal exercise journey and help you know exactly where to start. I help women to understand that there is no need to fear movement postpartum. I will guide you back to doing what you love with clarity and in a respectful, competent and nurturing way.


 A huge focus of my work, study and teaching is raising awareness for greater core, pelvic health and postnatal body education and appreciation.

Restoring core function is where it all begins and where my passion, bordering on obsession lies! I want to reassure women that if they are experiencing postnatal issues such as diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and pelvic health issues such as incontinence and prolapse; that there are specific ways that we adapt our rehabilitation and that these are treatable.

With the right knowledge, support and programming, these issues and symptoms should not define the level of movement or exercise you do for the rest of your life. I want all mums to return to the sport and movement they love. To be able to play and keep up with their children. To not stand on the side lines; but keep them on their toes!

Above all else, I aim to help you strengthen your body to meet the physical demands that being a mum requires.

When you train with me, I help you understand the importance of taking your time, of listening to your bodies and knowing and accepting where you are right now. We progress smartly, shaking off comparison and expectation and remembering that rehabilitation looks different for every mum. I will scoop you up and get you to where you want to be in my unique Emma Jeffery PT way.

I am the person I needed after the birth of my son and the personal trainer I would have liked to have worked with at every stage of motherhood I have experienced so far.

I am here to listen, to validate your postnatal experiences, to help you realise your potential and the sheer brilliance of you and your body!


Fun facts about me


My happy place…

Early summer’s morning in the back garden with my family. Snuggling my son, sniffing his hair, listening to the birds, dog at my feet, checking on the progress of my vegetables and flowers. I love gardening! My favourite way to work through a stress cycle is with cup of tea, crocheting, watching netflix or doing yoga!

Team player…

I love any team sport! I have the happiest memories competing in the Prince Phillip Cup and rode for South Wiltshire Mounted Games Team. In my twenties, I adored playing Netball with my colleagues when living in London! I started riding when I was 6 and grew up around horses from that point on. I was a member of Weston Harriers Pony Club and Quantock Pony Club.

Water lover…

I’m a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver with 100+ dives in my log book. I have worked cleaning the sea bed on the Andaman Thai Coast after the Boxing day Tsunami and have dived with Grey sharks in Australia. I am excited to start summer evening open water swimming this year. We have so many beautiful spots for it here in Kent.


  • The Empowered Performance Program - Katie St.Clair

  • Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist: Core Exercise Solutions LLC : Dr Sarah Duvall

  • Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist 2.0: Core Exercise Solutions LLC: Dr Sarah Duvall

  • EFT & Matrix Reimprinting - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

  • YMCA Level 3 Award in Adapting Exercise for Ante Natal and Post Natal Clients: Train Fitness International

  • YMCA Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training: Train Fitness International

  • YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing – Gym Based Exercise: Train Fitness International

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